Jun 25, 2014

How to increase fertility in men

Male fertility can depend largely on modifiable factors, such as diet, lifestyle, sexual habits, and occupational exposures. In some cases, simple changes can increase male fertility. Other causes of reduced fertility may take more extensive corrective measures to restore fertility in men. Follow these steps to help increase sperm count and general health and optimize your chances of increasing fertility.

Method 1 of 4 : Minimize Physical and Chemical Fertility Interference 
Certain occupational habits or requirements and dress choices may cause physical interferences with male fertility. Temperature, exposure to environmental toxins, and certain clothing habit can reduce fertility. 

1.Avoid restrictive clothing. Tight underwear or pants, athletic or swim spandex materials, and harness gear that cuts of circulation to the groin area may interfere with male fertility by harming sperm production or weakening the quality of sperm.

2.Limit exposure to harmful chemicals or rays. Exposure to heavy metals, radiation or x-rays, and pesticides have been shown to decrease sperm production and even cause infertility in men.
If possible, avoid exposure to these elements, wear protective gear, and limit physical contact with and inhalation of the chemicals. 

3.Maintain an appropriate temperature in the groin region. Long periods of sitting, regular sessions in a hot tub or sauna, and wearing overly warm or snug clothing can cause the scrotum to overheat, reducing sperm count and thus, limiting male fertility. Avoid these situations to increase the likelihood that sperm count will remain at a healthy level.

Method 2 of 4 : Eat to Increase Male Fertility
Certain vitamins and minerals can help increase male fertility by providing a hospitable environment for sperm production and maintenance.

1.Get plenty of antioxidants. Research suggests that by eating a diet rich in antioxidants you may be able to increase sperm count, thus increasing potential male fertility. Vitamins C and E, glutathione, and coenzyme Q10 have all been shown to help treat male infertility.
Try to eat a variety of brightly colored fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy for the best variety of nutrients to help increase male fertility.  

2.Take a multivitamin. Daily multivitamin supplements contain vitamins C and E as well as a good supply of other essential nutrients for male reproductive health.
Buy a supplement that is designed for use by men, and take it daily for a regular supply of fertility-enhancing nutrients. 
Choose a multivitamin that also contains selenium, zinc, and folate, which have been linked to healthy sperm production. 

3.Avoid foods that reduce sperm count. Alcohol and red meat have both been associated with poor male fertility while a diet high in fruits, grains, and seafood have been shown to increase fertility. Contrary to common belief, there is no conclusive evidence as to whether or not caffeine affects male fertility.

Method 3 of 4 : Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
One of the best ways to increase fertility is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, keeping harmful consumptions in moderation or avoiding them altogether. Changing health behaviors and lifestyles may take considerable time, and fertility may not increase immediately, but by following the steps below you give yourself a good opportunity to improve reproductive health and increase fertility in the long run. 

1.Quit smoking. Tobacco and secondhand smoke causes reduced sperm count in men. To increase sperm count and potentially increase fertility, work to cut back or quite smoking altogether and avoid locations with concentrated secondhand smoke.

2.Avoid excessive alcohol intake. Men who consume high amounts of alcohol often have lower sperm counts, lower testosterone levels, and even experience erectile dysfunction more frequently.

3.Reduce stress levels. Not only can stress interfere with your sexual health, high levels of stress can cause changes in hormones that affect sperm production, reducing fertility.
Manage your stress by exercising or finding a relaxing hobby to help increase the likelihood of healthy sperm production. 

4.Maintain a healthy weight. Being underweight, overweight or obese may reduce sperm count and increase the likelihood of producing abnormal sperm.
Too much body fat can interfere with reproductive hormones. Men at a healthy weight are more likely to produce healthy sperm than men who are overweight or obese. 

5.Avoid illicit drug use. Many illicit drugs can interfere with fertility. Marijuana and cocaine can reduce sperm count, and anabolic steroids can shrink the testicles and decrease sperm production.

Method 4 of 4 : Get a Professional Consultation
In some cases, it is difficult to identify a cause for reduced male fertility. If lifestyle and behavior changes do not seem to increase sperm count or fertility, consider consulting a reproduction specialist to discuss possible medical causes of infertility.

1.Get a sperm count performed. Fertility clinics, sperm banks, and many physician offices can provide a test to gather a profile of sperm health, including mobility, count, and formation.
A healthy sperm profile increases the potential fertility of a man. Discuss the results of your sperm profile with a fertility or male reproduction specialist to get advice on improving fertility. 

2.Visit an urologist for a physical examination. Specialists can often identify potential physical or medical causes for male infertility, such as vericocele, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), tumors, and undescended testicles. In some cases, surgical operations, medications, or lifestyle changes can correct the problem and increase fertility.

3.Request hormone tests. Sometimes, male infertility can be caused by hormone imbalances due to medical conditions or lifestyle imbalances. Medication, surgery, and lifestyle changes may help correct hormone levels and increase fertility.

4.Search for other medical causes of infertility. Certain conditions are impossible to detect through physical examination but may reduce or inhibit male fertility.
In some cases, such as that of Celiac disease, a gluten-free diet may improve fertility. In others, such as Cystic Fibrosis or chromosomal abnormalities, infertility may be permanent and unavoidable. 
Sperm duct defects, antibodies that attack sperm, and problems with ejaculation (which can be caused by diabetes, spinal injuries, bladder problems, multiple sclerosis, and other factors) can also interfere with sperm production or male fertility. 

5.Ask about side effects of medications. Certain prescription drugs may reduce male fertility. Ask a pharmacist or urologist if your medication may be interfering with sperm production, ejaculation, or fertility.
Medications for enlarged prostate, ulcers, antibiotics, testosterone replacement therapy, chemotherapy and other cancer drugs, certain steroids, and other prescription drugs can reduce male fertility.

Sometimes simply the stress associated with trying to increase fertility can cause reproductive health problems. Focus on improving your health and improved fertility will likely follow. Stop masturbating and never keep your cell phone in you jeans or trouser pocket as the vibrations and waves can make affect the sperm count.

Do not take supplements and medications marketed for improving fertility except under the instruction of a health professional. Such supplements are typically not moderated by the FDA and may contain dangerous ingredients or substances that can interact with prescription drugs or medical conditions. 

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